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Esmalt kõige olulisemast: me hoiame teie isiklikud andmed konfidentsiaalsena ja järgime kehtivat andmekaitse regulatsiooni.
Soovime anda teile informatsiooni selle kohta, milliseid isiklikke andmeid me küsime, kui registreerite end meie värbamisportaali kasutajaks, milleks me neid andmeid vajame ja kelle poole saate küsimuste korral pöörduda.
Keda andmekaitsedeklaratsioon puudutab?
Deklaratsioon puudutab isikuid (edaspidi „kandidaadid”), kes esitavad Talentorile oma isiklikud andmed, kas vabale ametikohale kandideerimiseks või omal algatusel sooviavalduse saatmisel.
Kes me oleme?
Me oleme äriühing Talentor International GmbH (edaspidi „Talentor”) juriidilise aadressiga Viinis. Talentor on juhtivtöötajate otsimisega tegelev ettevõte peakontoriga Austrias, omades sealjuures rahvusvahelisi frantsiisipartnereid üle kogu maailma. Oma töös spetsialiseerume kõrgema ja keskmise taseme juhtivtöötajate otsimisele ning nõustamisele.
Talentor International GmbH, FN 389879b
Tegevdirektor: Michael Sarsteiner
Aadress: Universitätsring 8/6, 1010 Vienna
Telefon: +43 1 523 820-77
Meil on partnerid järgmistes riikides:
Meie äriühingu juurde kuuluvad emaettevõte ja Talentori frantsiisipartnerid, kellel on teie andmetele ligipääs.
Eesmärk | Kogutavad isikuandmed | Õiguslik alus | Säilitamistähtaeg |
Teenuse osutamine kliendile | Kontaktandmed, näiteks ees- ja perekonnanimi | IKÜM artikkel 6 (1) (b), pärast lepingu lõppemist IKÜM artikkel 6 (1) (f) | Andmeid säilitatakse kuni 3 aastat pärast teenuse pakkumist |
Potentsiaalse kandidaadi leidmine | Avalikes andmebaasides olevad andmed, muuhulgas kandidaadi ees- ja perekonnanimi, meiliaadress jms | IKÜM artikkel 6 (1) (f) | Andmeid säilitatakse üks aasta |
Kandidaadi registreerimine (s.o. kasutaja loomine värbamisportaali) | Kontaktandmed, näiteks ees- ja perekonnanimi, meiliaadress, telefon Kandidaadi kasutajaga seotud andmed, nagu näiteks kasutajanimi, parool ja IP aadress |
IKÜM artikkel 6 (1) (a) | Andmeid säilitatakse üks aasta, kui isik ei avalda soovi teisiti |
Kandidaadi kandideerimine vabale ametikohale | Kontaktandmed, näiteks ees- ja perekonnanimi, meiliaadress, telefon Kandideerimisega seotud andmed ja informatsioon, nagu näiteks kandideerimiseks vajalikud dokumendid (CV, motivatsiooni- või kaaskiri, tunnistused/sertifikaadid diplomid jne), töökogemus, haridus, erialased oskused ja kvalifikatsioonid, erialased nõudmised ja muu kandidaadiga seotud teave. Samuti kasutajaga seotud töövestlused, e-posti suhtlus meie konsultandiga ning teatud juhtudel ka elamisluba. |
IKÜM artikkel 6 (1) (a) | Andmeid säilitatakse üks aasta pärast kandideerimise lõppu, kui isik ei avalda soovi teisiti |
Uudiskirjade ja pakkumiste saatmine | Kontaktandmed, näiteks ees- ja perekonnanimi, meiliaadress | IKÜM artikkel 6 (1) (a) | Andmeid säilitatakse kuni nõusoleku tagasivõtmiseni |
Andmesubjekti pöördumistele ja kaebustele vastamine | Kontaktandmed, näiteks ees- ja perekonnanimi, meiliaadress ning muud andmed, mida esitate meie poole pöördudes | IKÜM artikkel 6 (1) (f) | Andmeid säilitatakse kolm aastat |
Raamatupidamisega seotud dokumendid | Juriidilise kohustuse täitmiseks vajaminevad dokumendid | IKÜM artikkel 6 (1) (c) | Raamatupidamisega seotud dokumente säilitatakse 7 aastat |
Küpsiste kasutamine veebilehel | Loe eraldi peatükist „Milliseid küpsiseid meie veebileht kasutab?“ |
First things first: We keep your personal data confidential and conform with the statutory data protection regulations.
We would like to provide you with information concerning which personal data we collect from you in the event of you registering with our candidate portal, why we require it, and who you can contact should you have any questions.
Who is the data protection declaration for?
The declaration is for persons (hereafter also referred to as candidates) who wish to register a career profile on our candidate portal with Talentor free of charge either when applying for a vacancy or when submitting an unsolicited application.
Who are we?
We are the company Talentor International GmbH (hereafter referred to as “Talentor“) with legal domicile in Vienna. We are an executive search company that has its headquarters in Austria in addition to it having international franchise partners. We specialise in searching for and advising executives in top to middle management.
Talentor International GmbH, FN 389879b
Managing Director: Michael Sarsteiner
Address: Universitätsring 8/6, 1010 Wien (Vienna)
Telephone: +43 1 523 820-77
Email address for the data protection officer of the headquarters in Austria is:
We have partners in the following locations which are themselves responsible for meeting GDPR regulations in their legal entities.
Companies that are affiliated with Talentor
Our company includes the parent company epunkt and Talentor franchise partners, that have access to your data for the following purposes:
The parent company in the Austrian market is epunkt GmbH (legal domicile: Harrachstraße 6, 4020 Linz, and they being provided with your data for the purpose of filling vacancies in this market.
Our franchise partners that have their own legal entities in their countries. The list of our partner is here ( that concerns themselves with the placement and advising of specialised and executive staff and they being provided with your data for the purpose of filling vacancies in their market.
All of the Talentor partner companies have an obligation to maintain confidentially and adhere to the valid data protection legislation.
Why do we process your data?
We use your data in order to provide career advice and for job placements in your country. You can register with our candidates pool for this without you applying for a specific position. As soon as job vacancies exist that match your candidate profile, you will be contacted by a Talentor consultant of your country by email or telephone in order to discuss the next steps with you.
Candidates can also create a profile and thereby apply direct for a specific position. It is unfortunately not always the case however that the first vacancy you actively apply for is successful. In this case, the Talentor consultant shall also contact you by email or telephone as soon as there are other vacancies that match your profile.
What is the legal basis on which we process your personal data?
We process your personal data on the basis of your consent. (Art 6 Par. 1 a and Art 9 para. 2 a GDPR), that you can provide us with specifically and voluntarily. Without your consent, we cannot and shall not process your personal data, the exception being that the processing is (also) carried out in order to meet legal obligations and from a justified interest (Art 6 para. 1 f GDPR) in connection with the assertion, exercising or defending against legal claims.
Neither do you have a legal obligation to disclose your personal data, nor does a contractual one exist. However, we are unable to accept any job applications from you without your personal data and we are also unable to inform you with regard to appropriate job vacancies.
Which personal data do we collect and process?
The following data are collected when you create a profile, we then processing them later:
Your data is supplemented by a Talentor consultant during the course of the recruiting process:
We wish to point out that health-related data, information concerning your racial or ethnic origin, political or religious views, trade union membership or sexual orientation are data that are especially worth protecting (special personal data as defined in Art. 9 GDPR). We therefore request you to not send us such data, neither in your curriculum vitae, nor in other documents.
Does profiling take place?
Our recruiting process does not include any automatisms that result in candidates being automatically removed from the application process or being automatically recommended to one of our clients. The decision concerning which candidates are to be contacted regarding which positions or whether their data are to be forwarded to one of our clients, is always made by the responsible Talentor consultant.
Candidate profiles are indexed in the candidates database in order to find them easier, this enabling appropriate job positions to be suggested efficiently. The indexing includes data from the application documents regarding the skills and qualifications or the career. When new job vacancies exist, these tags are used in order to match the candidate profiles and all of the other data with the job requirements.
The Talentor consultants also use search algorithms in order to match candidate profiles with job positions. With the assistance of this method, it is also possible to find candidates that use synonymous terms in their advertising documents.
Who is provided with your data?
Talentor employees
In order to fulfil the purpose, Talentor employees or Talentor franchise partners (see above) have access to all of the data stipulated under “Which personal data do we collect and process?” depending of the place of your residence.
Talentor clients
We suggest matching job positions to you in the scope of the recruiting process. After an interview at Talentor or after we have contacted you, we forward your data for a specific job position to individual clients. The client is not granted full access to your data, a so-called candidate report is generated as a PDF document. This report is issued in relation to the position and comprises your master data (personal data, address and contact data), your professional requirements (e.g. desired salary or period of notice), the appraisal of the Talentor consultant on the basis of the interview and the memos. Our clients are placed under a contractual duty of confidentiality and secrecy.
Technical service provider
We are supported with the provision of our services by service providers (so-called order processors). Examples of such service providers are the producer of our recruiting software or the hosting providers that provide us with the server for the operation of the software. These service providers have access to your data on a case by case basis for maintenance purposes. They have a contractual duty of confidentiality in addition to them being contractually obliged to implement data security measures, whereby the adherence to these measures is regularly checked by us.
Additional recipients
It could be possible that we have to grant authorities or courts of law access to your data on a case by case basis for the purpose of fulfilling legal obligations or in order to defend ourselves against legal claims.
What are your rights?
The General Data Protection Regulation (Articles 15 to 22) stipulates that you have information, deletion, restriction, data transfer, amendment and contradictory rights. We would like to explain some of these rights to you in more detail:
Your information and amendment right
You shall obviously be provided with information with regard to your personal data that we store and process. Should your data no longer be applicable or be incomplete, you can demand that it be amended or supplemented.
Your right to have your personal data revoked or deleted
You can revoke your consent at all times and exercise your “right to be forgotten“. In this case, we have a duty to deleting your personal data and to informing all of those who we have transferred your personal data to of your deletion request. Your revocation of the consent does not affect the legality of the processing that has taken place until receipt of the revocation on the basis of the consent.
Your restriction, data transferability and contradiction rights in addition to measures in connection with the automated making of decisions
You can also exercise processing or provision restriction rights with regard to your data within the scope of the data transferability right in addition to you being entitled to contradict the processing or provision of your data (especially in direct marketing). You can also demand that diverse measures be adopted in the scope of the automated data processing (e.g. personal intervention or the presentation of your own point of view).
You also have the right to file a complaint with the data protection authority should you believe that your rights have been infringed. The contact data of the European data protection authority:
How long do we store your personal data for?
Your personal data are basically stored until such time as you revoke your granted consent. It is possible however that statutory documentation obligations or the documentation for the assertion and exercising of legal claims or the defence against such, can necessitate the data being processed after receipt of your declaration of revocation. In such cases, we shall inform you that your data is still be processed and the reason for this in addition to us informing you of its deletion.
We reserve the right to delete the profiles of candidates who we have been unable to offer a matching job to for a long time. Should you find an interesting vacancy later, you can always create a new profile.
Please note that under certain circumstances, a deletion cannot take place immediately but with a delay on the basis of legal obligations or in order to assert or exercise legal claims or in order for us to defend ourselves against such claims.
Who can you contact?
Please contact our data protection officer depending on your place of residence in Europe if you have any questions concerning this data protection declaration or on the exercising of your rights:
Talentor Estonia OÜ (Talentor Estonia)
Data Protection Manager: Anneli Salminen